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Magestore POS vs Magefan POS: Why is Magestore more popular?


More and more Magento merchants are switching from Magefan POS to Magestore for a complete POS to handle store operations effectively, including omnichannel loyalty programs, diverse payment methods, multi-location order fulfillment, advanced inventory management, comprehensive reports, and great customizability.

magestore logo
magestore logo

Magestore POS is a feature-rich and open source POS system for Magento merchants. This all-in-one POS has various features for effectively running and managing your retail business, including advanced inventory management, built-in loyalty programs, diverse payment methods, comprehensive reports, real-time data syncs, and more.

  • Sync customers, orders, and products across channels and stores in real time
  • Self checkout service and customer facing display mode for fast checkout
  • Advanced inventory management and omnichannel order fulfillment
  • Great customizability and scalability
  • Offer omnichannel loyalty programs to nurture and convert more sales
4.7/5 on Capterra

Magefan POS is an easy-to-use multi-store POS for Magento retailers. The POS’s features suffice to help you perform common tasks of your business like processing payments, syncing customers and orders among stores, tracking inventory quantity in different locations for order routing, and more.

  • User-friendly interface
  • Sync orders and products across stores
  • Allow searching customers with custom attributes
  • Update stock levels and view inventory quantity in multiple stores
  • Localize your POS with various languages
4.3/5 on website

Magestore has the power to help you deliver a rapid and uninterrupted checkout experience.

Expedite your checkout process with powerful features from Magestore no matter where you’re selling!

Magestore web POS equips you with a wider range of tools to handle payments quickly, accurately, and conveniently.

Magefan POS

  • Magefan POS has many features to help business owners process payments easily like multiple cart holding, receipt customization, and self checkout.
  • However, being unable to work in offline mode is a critical drawback of this POS for Magento 2. Its inability to work without an Internet connection causes business interruptions, which keeps your customers waiting and may lead to lost sales.
  • Magefan POS supports just a few payment methods, including cash, credit, and debit cards. The limitation on the number of payment options may discourage your customers from proceeding with their purchases.

Magefan POS can’t checkout orders in offline mode.

Customer facing screen solution by Magestore

Customer facing display on Magestore POS

Magestore POS

  • In addition to all the features that Magefan POS provides like holding carts, and customizing receipts, Magestore has more features to help you process fast, convenient, and flexible checkouts.
  • Magestore POS keeps working stably even when there’s no Internet connection. When the Internet comes back, the sales data will automatically sync to the Magento backend to ensure there’s no data loss.
  • This web-based POS enables you to diversify the way customers make payments. Buyers can choose their preferred methods among many options like cash, credit, debit cards, layaway, split payments, store credits, loyalty points, buy now, pay later, and more.
  • Not only does it provide self checkout services like Magefan, but Magestore POS also offers a customer facing display mode to accelerate the checkout process and improve sales transparency.

Magestore has built-in loyalty programs to reward your customers and improve their loyalty while Magefan doesn’t.

Attract and retain more customers by offering them different types of incentives!

As a feature-rich POS, Magestore enables you to provide your customers with various loyalty programs to earn their trust and loyalty for repeat purchases.

Magefan POS

  • Magefan lacks an indispensable feature for any long-term business success: loyalty programs. Consequently, users have to purchase additional extensions from 3rd-party providers to run loyalty campaigns at physical stores.
  • Loyalty program extensions have subscription-based or one-time pricing depending on the providers. You’ll have to buy and install separate extensions into your Magento backend to offer reward points, store credits, or gift cards. The more features you need, the more money you’ll have to pay.
  • Some extension providers even charge extra fees for installation and support, which drive up the total costs of having a functioning POS loyalty program.
  • Integrating many extensions from different providers in the Magento backend can slow down the overall operations, thus affecting the online shopping experience. Besides, you also need to ensure all the extensions are compatible with each other and with Magefan POS.

Below are the pricing ranges for loyalty extensions we collect from Adobe Commerce Marketplace for your reference.

Reward point extensions
$649 – $863/ year
$49 – $398
Store credit extensions
$404 – $885/ year
$25 – $449
Gift card extensions
$398 – $999/ year
    $49 – $178
    loyalty program on magestore pos

    Magestore POS

    • Compared to Magefan, Magestore POS is more feature-rich. The POS has built-in loyalty programs with store credits, reward points, and gift cards. Using Magestore POS, you can allow customers to earn and redeem loyalty points across online and offline sales channels, thus bringing them a consistent shopping experience.
    • Magestore POS syncs customer data, including purchase history, earned and redeemed points in the Magento backend. Therefore, you can centrally manage customer data, analyze their buying patterns, and create effective promotion campaigns to boost sales and revenues.
    • Magestore POS ensures huge benefits while saving you a considerable amount of money in the long run. Magestore charges one-time prices for the full ownership of the POS, which means you don’t have to pay extra fees for loyalty features.

    Magestore facilitates cross-channel order fulfillment and comprehensive inventory management.

    Manage your inventory effectively and give your customers more freedom to purchase the way they want with Magestore!

    As one of the best retail POS, Magestore makes it easier to fully control your inventory across different stores and bring to your customers the convenience of multi-location order fulfillment. Unlike Magestore, Magefan, as an only dedicated POS checkout, lacks many functions to streamline cross-location inventory and order management.


    Magefan directs users from the POS frontend to the Magento backend to create credit memos for refunds.

    Magefan POS

    • Magefan POS can automatically update stock levels after each successful sale. Besides, using the Magefan web-based point of sale system lets you view inventory quantity available in all warehouses so that you can redirect sales to the right stores.
    • Magefan can also integrate with barcode scanners to update source product quantity, making restocking easier and faster.
    • Nonetheless, product refunds with Magefan POS are somewhat complicated as you can’t refund items on the POS screen. The POS will direct you from the POS frontend to the Magento backend to choose orders and create credit memos for refunds, making this process inconvenient and time-consuming for both staff and customers.

    Magestore POS

    • Outside of stock updating and barcode management, Magestore supports many other inventory management tasks such as stock transfers, stocktaking, stock adjustment, purchase order creation, and management.
    • Magestore POS enables you to refund orders right from the POS frontend, then return these items to inventory, and update stock status in real time, thereby making the process much faster and easier.
    • Another advantage of Magestore POS over Magefan is its powerful store pickup feature which facilitates different omnichannel order fulfillment options. With this #1 Magefan POS alternative, customers can choose to buy online pickup in store, buy online and pay at stores, or buy in store and then ship to home.
    What is a POS refund?

    Trulieve has used Magestore POS for more than 100 stores in their retail chain. Every day, Magestore POS handles 70,000–80,000 orders without any disruptions. All inventory and order data are transferred in real time between their physical stores, Magento sites, and SAP ERP system.

    TrulieveCannabis and CBD products | U.S.
    Trulieve POS challenges

    Magestore delivers more comprehensive reports for in-depth business insights.

    Get insights into your business from different angles with numerous reports to make the right business decisions!


    Magefan POS

    • Magefan only provides X and Z-reports that let you view and track sales, returns, cash flow, terminals, cashiers, store locations, and opening and closing hours in each working session.
    • With limited types of reports, it’s difficult for you to get a complete view of your business operations to adjust your business strategies accordingly.

    Magestore POS

    • Besides X and Z-reports, Magestore POS generates other reports on sales and inventory, including sales, stock value, stock on hand, stock by source, and more that allow you to dig deep for useful insights.
    • For example, you can view sales by products, brands, or employees to see which product needs restocking and which employee deserves rewards for their performance. The inventory reports also enable you to track and manage your inventory effectively to avoid overstocking or stockouts.
    Magento POS Reporting

    Magestore is easy to customize and expand for any emerging business needs.

    Put the power of customization into your own hands and keep your POS scale up in line with your business growth!

    With high customizability and scalability, Magestore POS can adapt to any changing business demands or objectives.

    Magefan POS

    • As Magefan is a Magento POS extension, it’s the provider who can add extra features to the POS. In other words, you can’t customize the POS to your needs by yourself.
    • Magefan POS has limited integration capability as it can’t integrate with many popular 3rd-party business apps and software for additional functions. Currently, the POS only works with Stripe to handle and process online payments.

    Magestore POS

    • As an open source Magento POS, it’s possible for users to access and modify Magestore POS’s source code to edit or add more features for specific business needs.
    • More than that, Magestore Magento POS works smoothly with a wide variety of 3rd-party apps and software to expand its functionality. The most popular integrations include accounting, payment, marketplaces, ERP, CRM, and marketing analytics software.

    Get the full solution for your future needs without extra expenses

    Pay once and expand unlimitedly with Magestore POS!

    Though both solutions charge one-time fees, you can get your money’s worth in the long term with Magestore POS.

    Open Source (CE)
    Commerce on Prem (EE)
    Commerce on Cloud (ECE)

      The Free package of Magefan POS only allows you to check out orders. You can’t create new customers, hold orders, view X and Z reports, use Stripe payment methods, or refund items, ect.

      Magefan POS

      • Magefan charges one-time prices for its web-based POS system. The costs vary depending on the Magento editions.
      • Moreover, you also have to pay an extra fee of $79 for the extension installation and configuration services.
      • There are 3 pricing plans for Magefan POS as follows. Each plan comes with a predefined set of features, which requires you to examine carefully to see which one is most suitable. With a feature list focusing on checkout process and basic inventory management, Magefan POS pricing is less attractive than a rich-featured Magestore POS.

      Magestore POS

      • You also have to pay once only for Magestore POS. Unlike Magefan, the quote-based pricing scheme of Magestore gives you the flexibility to choose the solution that suits your business needs and budgets.
      • Magestore experts give you a quote after understanding thoroughly your business needs, store numbers, and desired support levels. Therefore, you pay for the solution that best serves your business.
      • The one-time pricing not only provides you with a complete POS, but also expert consultation, training services, professional support, and more.
      • This best Magento 2 POS also allows you to add unlimited users and devices to expand your business at no extra fees and charges no implementation and transaction fees.
      What you’ll get
      What you don’t need to pay
      Full ownership of the POS and data
      Extra fees for additional devices, users, Magento sites and stores
      1-year warranty
      Transaction fees
      Professional support via Slack, online tickets, and email
      Monthly fees for Magento POS Commerce
      One-on-one onboarding
      Implementation service
      90-day refund policy

      Magestore and Magefan POS comparison

      Compare key features of the two POS systems and pick your bias!

      Product overview
      Compatible devices
      Macs & PCs, iPads, Android tablets
      Desktops, tablets, and mobiles
      Offline mode
      Limited as only the provider can add new features
      Checkout process
      Scan barcodes to find products
      Search products by SKUs, name, description
      On Plus and Extra plans
      Hold orders for later checkouts
      On Plus and Extra plans
      Create custom sales
      On Extra plan
      Sell out-of-stock items
      Self checkout
      On Extra plan
      Customer facing display
      Checkout with customer login
      On Plus and Extra plans
      Checkout with guest login
      Create invoices, shipments on POS frontend
      On Extra plan
      Customer loyalty programs
      Store credits
      Reward points
      Gift cards
      Multichannel inventory management
      • Stock updating
      • Stock transfer
      • Cross-channel inventory sync
      • Stocktaking
      • Inventory adjustment
      • Purchase order creation and management
      • Stock updating
      • Cross-channel inventory sync
      Payment providers
      Square, Stripe, Moneris, Dojo, Pay., PayPal,, Braintree, Tyro, Adyen, Global Payments
      Other requested integrations
      Payment methods
      • Cash
      • Credit and debit cards
      • Mobile payments
      • Contactless payments
      • Split payments
      • Layaway
      • Store credits
      • Buy now, pay later
      • Cash
      • Credit and debit cards
      Cash denomination
      Omnichannel order fulfillment
      Buy online, pick up in store
      Buy online and pay at stores
      Buy in store and ship to home
      X-report, Z-report
      Store names, locations, terminals, cashiers, opening and closing balance, cash in, cash out, taxes, refunds
      Store names, locations, terminals, cashiers, opening and closing balance, cash in, cash out, taxes, refunds
      Stock value report
      Stock value, potential revenue, potential profit
      Stock on-hand report
      Quantity on hand, available quantity, quantity to ship, incoming quantity
      Stock by Source Report
      Stock by source
      Incoming Stock Report
      All incoming stock and purchase orders
      Historical Stock Report
      Historical stock
      Sales reports
      Sales by products, brands, suppliers, employees, locations, daily, weekly, monthly sales, total order numbers, average basket, profit, etc.
      3rd-party integration
      • Accounting
      • eCommerce platform
      • ERP
      • Marketing and analytics
      • CRM
      • eCommerce platform
      • Stripe payment
      Compatible with common hardware
      Customer support
      • Email support
      • Slack support
      • Online support
      • 1-on-1 onboarding
      • Email support
      • Phone support
      Refund policy
      90-day refund
      30-day refund
      • One-time fee
      • Custom quote
      • No fees for extra devices and users
      • No implementation and transaction fees
      • One-time fee with different pricing plans
      • Installation and configuration costs
      Customer's reviews
      Customers’ rating on Capterra, website
      • Ultimate omnichannel POS solution
      • Perfect ePOS solution for Magento
      • Very good services
      • Amazing POS
      • Very promising system
      • User-friendly POS
      Customers’ rating on GetApp
      • Great software
      • Perfect omnichannel solution
      • A great POS and a great team
      No reviews yet
      Customers’ rating on Trustpilot
      • Good products and good services
      • Responsive and professional support
      • The best POS solution for Magento 2
      No reviews yet

      5 steps to switch from Magefan to Magestore POS

      Switching to Magestore POS just takes a few simple steps. Plus, you always have our companion during the process!



      Talk to our experts about your business requirements and objectives

      Checking hardware

      Prepare the necessary hardware to set up the POS


      Install and test the POS software, migrate data from Magefan POS to Magestore, and fix any bugs


      Train your staff

      Launch and maintenance

      Go live and update new features

      A full-featured, customizable, and scalable POS for any Magento merchants

      • Allow receipt customization, custom sales, search for products and customers
      • Sync orders, products, and customers across channels and locations in real time
      • Order creation and processing in seconds, self checkout service, and customer facing display mode for fast checkout
      • Advanced cross-location and cross-channel inventory management, including inventory updating, stock transfer, and purchase order creation and management
      • Numerous payment methods like cash, credit, debit cards, contactless payment, store credits, layaway, split payment, buy now, pay later, etc.
      • Omnichannel order fulfillment, including click and collect, buy online pay at store
      • Work in offline mode and automatically sync sale data when the connection is back
      • Seamless integration with 3rd-party services, including ERP (NetSuite, SAP), accounting (Xero, QuickBooks), marketplaces (Amazon, eBay, Etsy), payments (Worldpay, Adyen, Square, Stripe), shipment (ShipStation, FedEx)
        Omnichannel loyalty programs with store credits, reward points, and gift cards
      • Extensive reports to manage your store operations effectively: X-report, Z-report, store performance, inventory reports, product performance, and employee performance
      • Support of multiple currencies
      • High customizability and scalability for future expansion
      • Stable, reliable, safe, and secure POS software to handle large order volumes daily
      • No implementation fees, no transaction fees, and no hidden fees

      Loved by 10,000+ eCommerce retailers & industry leaders worldwide

      We work with leading retailers from all sectors to develop solution that fits your niche.

      Tc-RM customer Global footcare
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      When we signed up, we had a great consultation with Duke, who conducted thorough due diligence and took the time to fully understand our unique requirements. He created a great model for us that mapped out the connections between the two stores and eCommerce website. So if something was bought online, the system would look at the total quantity of stock from the two locations, not just one stock source, which is how we worked originally. Magestore’s pre-planning documentation really gave us confidence and the calls illustrated thorough understanding of the setup.

      Anthony Mixides, Owner of the London Vape CompanyE-cigarettes | United Kingdom

      The London Vape Company | United Kingdom

      Frequently asked questions

      1. What is POS in Magento 2?

      A POS in Magento 2 is POS software that can integrate well with Magento 2 stores to sync business data across online and offline sales channels, thus simplifying business operations.

      2. What is a web-based POS?

      A web-based POS is POS software that stores business information and transaction data in online servers, specifically in the user’s server, not POS provider’s server like a cloud-based POS. Therefore, users can access the POS anywhere using different devices, including desktops, tablets, or smartphones.

      3. Does Magestore have offline mode?

      Yes, Magestore can work when there’s no or unstable Internet connection. The offline mode allows users to continue accepting and processing orders. These transaction data will automatically sync to the Magento backend when the connection is back.

      4. Is Magestore POS for Magento open source?

      Yes, Magestore is an open source POS, which means that users can access and modify its source code to make necessary changes for their business use cases.

      5. Which payment methods does Magestore POS support?

      Magestore POS supports a wide variety of payment methods. Some major options are cash, credit, debit cards, contactless payments, buy now pay later, store credits, and loyalty points.

      6. How many websites can I use with one Magestore POS license?

      After completing the purchase, you’ll get the License Certificate with a license serial which is valid for:

      • One dev Magento installation
      • One live Magento installation

      Therefore, if you run multiple websites using a single Magento installation, you need one POS license only.

      7. What Magento editions is Magestore POS compatible with?

      Magestore POS is compatible with the latest versions of Magento, particularly Magento CE, EE, ECE 2.4.6.

      8. What devices does Magestore Magento POS work on?

      Magestore Magento POS is a web POS, so it can work on Macs, PCs, iPads, Android tablets with a browser.

      9. What browsers can I use Magestore POS on?

      Magestore POS runs well on any browser, including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and more.

      10. How to install Magestore POS?

      Magestore provides detailed instructions so you can install the Magestore POS on your own. Otherwise, you can ask our team to set up the POS for you. The installation process often lasts 5 days with the following steps.

      • Install Magestore POS software on your dev and staging site
      • Test the app and fix any arising issues
      • Deploy the POS on the live site and test again
      • Configure the POS following your requirements

      Bring the ultimate shopping experience to your customers with the best Magento POS now!

      Offer your customers more choices, more flexibility, and more convenience and you’ll win their loyalty!

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